*49* 校花校草比赛(四)-《exo之天使的降临》


    i wish that it could be like that


    why can't we be like that


    cause i'm yours


    when you're with him do you call his name


    like you do when you're with me does it feel the same


    would you leave if i was ready to settle down


    or would you play it safe and stay


    girl you know this we got a love that is hopeless


    why can't you hold reet


    why can't i kiss you on the dancefloor


    i wish that it could be like that


    why can't we be like that


    cause i'm yours


    and nobody knows i'm in love with someone's baby


    i don't wanna hide us away


    tell the world about the love we making


    i'r that day someday


    can i hold you in the street


    why can't i kiss you on the dancefloor


    i wish that we could be like that
